NPH WereldOuders Mexico
Mexico | Today we would like to share a lovely story we received from one of our partners, NPH WereldOuders, about their work in Mexico.
Creative education in Mexico
As told by WereldOuders: "In Mexico, WereldOuders has a wide range of creative activities for children and adolescents. With the creative activities we aim to support them in expressing their feelings and processing unpleasant experiences from the past. Coordinator Manuel could previously only commit to this program at the end of the day - after working hours - but thanks to the Royal Talens Foundation he now has a full-fledged job. Together with other local teachers, he organized many activities for the children and adolescents in 2022!"
About NPH WereldOuders
NPH WereldOuders (Dutch for World Parents) is part of the international aid organization Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) and was founded in Hilversum, The Netherlands, in 1991. NPH WereldOuders cares for the vulnerable children across Latin America and the Caribbean. They provide not only a loving and secure environment for the children, but also offer (creative) education and family support services, helping to break the cycle of generational poverty.